sábado, septiembre 11, 2010


Butterflies can't fly
cause their wings are so warm.
I felt an increasing temperature, I warned
Breaking news, the worst,
it says: spring is disappearing
summer's here.

-Scenery- changes,
-scenery- can't stop.

rays play arrows
and sun disguised as bow
parades at our arms and all around.
Swimming within a glass of water
I move my bones
move my corpse
running faster than a horse
cause if I stay I could end -cremated-
or almost dead.

-Scenery- changes,
-scenery- can't stop.

There is a coffin where it's cold
should I go
or should I stay?
should I fear
should I wait for rain
or should I just spit all out.

-Scenery- changes,
-scenery- can't stop.
But you didn't realise
that spring never came
Summer like a frog
jumped over my favourite scenery
I hate sun
cause I can't kiss you
if there's no wind blowing dust
to make spectators blind.

Scenery: sólo yo sé el ritmo de esta canción.

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