viernes, agosto 20, 2010

about us

When we are trying to reach all our sides
I want to amputate
the legs of the time.
Freeze every case of life
to kiss you even if there's no jungle around
or silence disguised noises.
 It seems like we are bound
to hide our noses,
but we can go closer
to ears from right people.
We are not volunteers to tears!
 With your carcass I'm stronger than yesterday.
We won't cry if they 
try to put our hidden place on the ground,
or a machine made of razors break it down. 
 Hidden- we've known
is looking forward to show.
 They are trying to find us
they can see into darkness
they are trying to destroy what we have done
but we also have hands to rebuild
and a kiss to fix it,
and again.
 Metal is against:

Oh my dear, we have hands and arms
to fight the wrong faces
to put a smile into harm.
 We need to stay, there, 
inmmutable and afraids...
because we want to explode, someday.

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